Thanksgiving Cranberry Sour

But you see it's not meed, it's not my recipe. In your head, in your head, they are brewing. With their grains, and their bungs, and their bungs, and their tuns. In your head they are fermenting.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year, it's the holiday that doesn't pretend there's something more going on than food and family. With my mom being such a great cook the day always lives up to my excitement, and is easily one of the best meals I'll eat all year.

If I had to rate the dishes at Thanksgiving dinner I wouldn't rate the cranberries too close to the top of my list. There's just too much competition, the turkey gets that extra special attwntiom, the green bean bake is a personal favorite, and the stuffing that ties it all together is unlike anything else you'll eat all year. However, that doesn't mean the cranberries aren't special, because they are. The cranberries are delicious and Thanksgiving dinner wouldn't be complete without them.

Now obviously I won't be posting my mom's Thanksgiving cranberries recipe on this blog because it's a secret, and knowing her it only exists in her head because she doesn't need to write her recipes down to remember them. But it's important to mention that her cranberries have both orange juice and sprite in them, the carbonation and citrus give them a refreshing zing. That flavor profile is what drew me to this recipe, I immediately thought of my mom and her cranberries when I read the ingredients.

And with the way things are going, I might not get to eat any of those cranberries this year. There's a chance I'll end up having Thanksgiving online this November (which is fine), and unless something changes drastically technology-wise, my mom won't be able to email cranberries to me. But at least I'll be able to sip on a beer that will bring back lots of great memories while I enjoy my family's company virtually.

The Recipe

This will be an exciting batch because this will be the most we've ruined augmented a recipe we've found online. Because of that this batch represents a big step for us, direction undetermined.

This recipe isn't listed as a sour, but we're going to use yeast to turn this brew into a sour. We'll be doing it this way because we've never kettle soured before and using the yeast to sour the beer seems easier, which makes it a great place to start. If we're not happy with the sour flavor from the yeast then we'll be in a great place to try kettle souring next time we make a so it beer. I'm addition, we're going to use cranberry concentrate at the end of the boil as a substitute for four pounds of fresh cranberries.

Thanksgiving Cranberry Sour

Grains Used

Pilsner Malt - 4 lbs
Wheat Malt - 3.5 lbs
Flaked Wheat - .75 lbs
Orange Blossom Honey - 2 lbs (Added 60 min into boil)

Hops Used

Willamette Hops - .75 oz at 0 min

Yeast Used

Sour Yeast
Bottling Yeast

Other Ingredients

Cranberry Concentrate - 12 oz
Cranberries - 2 lbs (Added one week into fermenting)
Granny Smith Apples - 2 Medium Apples (Added one week into fermenting)
Navel Oranges - 2 Medium Oranges (Added one week into fermenting)
Pectic Enzyme - 1/2 TSP (Added with fruit)

Brew Day


Bottling Day


Drinking Day

Thoughts go here

What I was listening to

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